The goods are numerous and on your way go and collect them to become a high row. Then load up the truck which is what you need to do when participating in the game Stack Colors at friv games. Rest assured that this game is completely free online and you can fully participate in your computer and mobile phone. You will not need to pay any amount. Isn't it wonderful? Let's continue with the mission now. There are many types of goods.
There are 3 main colors are green, yellow, and red. Your players will have that color. You will need to see your character's color and move to where the goods are the same color as your character. You will collect them but there's one tricky thing. These goods are arranged in extremely messy colors. You need to be observant and react very quickly. Move to a place with the same color. If you are not lucky enough to go to the goods in different colors, you will have to stop the game. A door character your character will know through different colors. Let's watch and focus on this game. Be careful is a necessity because as long as you don't pay attention you'll end the game. This is terrible, isn't it? Don't let it happen. When you collect the required quantity of goods, your destination is to load the truck.
Then you will overcome the challenge of the game. More and more obstacles later. You will need to use a lot of skills to pass. Many challenges ahead are waiting for you to conquer it. Don't forget to allow yourself to share this game Stack Colors at with your friends. Along with your friends participate in an extremely attractive entertaining game that you have certainly never had a chance to participate in before. What do you think when I allow myself to come up with some other similar fun games like Children Games and Mini Ninja
Control: Use the mouse to be able to move the cargo collect character.